AcademiaBiotech The madness of molnupiravir A contentious vote On Tuesday, an FDA advisory committee ("AdCom") narrowly (13:10) voted in favor…Jerome VeronyDecember 1, 2021
AcademiaBiotechFinance Refractory Status Epilepticus: Significant new insights and a potential paradigm shift Artwork by Greg A. Dunn After what you could call a professionally-induced hiatus, I am…Jerome VeronyDecember 4, 2019
AcademiaBiotech Nav1.7: a tough nut to crack A recently published piece in the journal nature reviews: drug discovery outlines the challenges involved with…Jerome VeronyApril 11, 2019
Academia Challenging the dogma of statistical significance in the interest of better decision-making Statistical inference is the perilous but necessary exercise of drawing conclusions from (sometimes very) limited…Jerome VeronyApril 1, 2019
AcademiaBiotech New findings show LRRK2 may play crucial role in a significant portion of Parkinson’s disease (‘PD’) patients A small enzyme known as LRRK2 - named after the genes that encode it - appears to…Jerome VeronyJuly 26, 2018